Review: Bel Canto choir gets new concert season in Tickhill off to a stirring start

The Bel Canto Choir was on fine form in Tickhill.The Bel Canto Choir was on fine form in Tickhill.
The Bel Canto Choir was on fine form in Tickhill.
On a fine September evening, in the imposing surroundings of Tickhill Parish Church (still decorated from a wedding earlier in the day), a large and appreciative audience from Tickhill Music Society was treated to a rich and varied programme by the Bel Canto Choir, under the energetic baton of Robert Webb and skilfully accompanied by Jonathan Gooing, writes Adrian Hattrell.

The choir made a stirring entry with the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel’s Messiah, and progressed through other sacred pieces from the past by Mozart and Verdi to sacred pieces of the present by Karl Jenkins and John Rutter.

Following the interval the choir demonstrated its versatility with songs from the shows and film, starting with a clever adaptation by Webb of songs from The Sound of Music, at one point requiring the choir to switch from singing to whistling.

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Whether performing oratorio or light music the choir sang with confidence and clarity, admirably accompanied by Gooing, who was equally at home on church organ and electronic keyboard.

It can be stated with confidence that music from Goldfinger has never before been heard in the parish church, let alone at a Tickhill Music Society concert.

It was that sort of evening.

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