Use library services to register your election vote

Guardian NewsGuardian News
Guardian News
Residents in Clowne, Creswell and Whitwell are being urged to use free internet access available in libraries across the county to register to vote.

Registering to vote changed last June and the service now offers the option of online registration.

The previous system also required one person from each household to register everyone at that address − now each person needs to register individually.

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Signing up to vote online takes around five minutes and gives residents a chance to have a say on who represents them at all levels of Government.

There are more than 400 public-use computers in Derbyshire libraries used by around 12,000 people each week.

Deputy cabinet member for health and communities, Coun Ellie Wilcox, said: “We encourage everyone to pop in to their local library and try out the wide range of services.”

“Now that registering to vote can be done online, residents can come and spend a few minutes on one of our computers and be set up to vote almost straight away.”

Deadline for registering to vote for this year’s General Election is Monday 20th April.

Email [email protected] or call 01629 533444.