Mansfield man's cannabis seed miscalculation

Mansfield Magistrates Court.Mansfield Magistrates Court.
Mansfield Magistrates Court.
A Mansfield man who was fed up of buying poor quality cannabis decided to grow his own but miscalculated the quantities, a court heard.

Police were called to Curt Barlow’s Clipstone home on August 24, last year, following a tip-off, where they found 1,265 grammes of the drug in an upstairs bedroom.

Prosecutor Kate Hartley said: “There was a tent set up but no plants. Large glass jars containing cannabis bush were found and recovered.”

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The court heard the drugs were valued at between £7,200 and £12,000 - an amount which means the case would normally be heard at crown court - but district judge Jonathan Taaffe decided his sentencing powers would be sufficient.

Michael Little, mitigating, said Barlow had smoked cannabis for 32 years and was “fed up with having to find the money to fund his habit.”

He said cannabis costs £160 per ounce, but “around this area the quality is getting poorer and poorer.”

“He tried for the first time to grow some himself in January last year,” said Mr Little.

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“He went entirely off guides and instructions he found on the internet. He didn’t understand the quantites involved when planting the seeds.

“His plan was to put it into the freezer and take it out, as and when he wanted it.”

Barlow’s mobile phone was confiscated, Mr Little added, but no evidence that he was selling the drug was found.

He said: “He was involved in a lot of fights when he was younger and cannabis has calmed him down.”

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He said Barlow worked six days a week, and a curfew would be impractical.

Barlow, 50, of Station Road, Clipstone, admitted possession of the Class B drug when he appeared at Mansfield Magistrates Court, on Wednesday.

District judge Taaffe said: “You seem to take the view that cannabis doesn’t cause harm. Cannabis is illegal and it’s illegal for good reason.

“I would simply urge you to seek assistance regarding your cannabis use.”

He sentenced Barlow to 26 weeks in prison, suspended for two years, and ordered him to pay £85 costs and a £115 government surcharge.