Man jailed after he strangled ex-partner twice during a three hour ordeal

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Gainsborough Standard In Court logo
A man strangled his former partner in a hotel room after she agreed to a reunion, Lincoln Crown Court was told today (Tuesday, May 30).

Jamie Toyne put his ex through a three hour ordeal at the Travel Lodge hotel leaving her so frightened that she was physically sick.

Caroline Bradley, prosecuting, said that at the time Toyne was already under a restraining order not to contact the woman following an incident last year which led to him being jailed.

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Despite the fact that she wrote to Toyne telling him that the relationship was over he bombarded her with calls and texts following his release from his prison sentence.

Miss Bradley said that she later visited Toyne at his mother’s house after he sent her a threatening text message. On that occasion he struck her a number of blows before his mother intervened.

The prosecutor said: “After that he continued to contact the complainant. She describes being bombarded by text messages from him.

“On March 6, she agreed to meet him again. He began to give her a sob story that he had nowhere to stay. She offered to put him up at a Travel Lodge and stay with him.

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“She collected him and drove him to the Travel Lodge. Vodka was purchased. The more he drank the more aggressive he became.

“He worked himself up into a rage and he strangled her twice.

“On the first occasion he put his hands around her throat and lifted her off the floor.

“The second time he did it she was on the bed. She passed out and when she came round he was punching her.

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“After the punches he had a complete about-turn and apologised.”

Miss Bradley said that the woman tried to leave and managed to get out of the room and into the hotel corridor only for Toyne to drag her back. The incident was witnessed by someone in the hotel and police were called.

Toyne had left before officers arrived. Later he again contacted her with repeated messages and she met up with him. He demanded to be taken to Scotter but became aggressive during the journey and put his foot through one of the car windows.

When they arrived at Scotter he chased her around the car before she drove him back to Gainsborough. Later she made a complaint to police.

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Miss Bradley said that the incidents had “an horrendous impact” on the victim emotionally and have caused her extreme distress.

Toyne, 25, of Elsham Walk, Gainsborough, admitted two charges of assault by beating together with breach of a restraining order and damaging a car window. He also admitted breach of a suspended jail sentence imposed by magistrates in February this year for driving while disqualified.

He was jailed for a total of 16 months and given an indefinite restraining order which bans him from contacting his former partner and bans him from entering Gainsborough.

Judge John Pini QC, passing sentence, told Toyne: “You have a poor record. There has to be an immediate custodial sentence.”

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Stephen Cobley, in mitigation, said Toyne now acknowledges that the relationship was toxic.

He said: “He understands that his behaviour is wholly unacceptable. He is ashamed of the way he behaved.

“He seeks to build a new life for himself on his release from custody. He wants to move away from the Gainsborough area.”

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