Gainsborough: Probus Club explores the evolution of bedtime

Gainsborough Old HallGainsborough Old Hall
Gainsborough Old Hall
Gainsborough Probus Club’s latest meeting was attended by guest speaker Paul Howitt-Cowan who gave the intriguingly-titled talk ‘and so to bed’.

It was, in fact, a talk about the evolution of the bed and bedroom since the Middle Ages.

He explained, amongst other things, how the four-poster bed came about, the reason for its design and how, as time went on, this furniture became more and more grandiose, to reflect the status of the owner.

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The Old Hall in Gainsborough featured importantly to show how the bedroom as a concept had developed.

Initially bedrooms would have been in the tower, but the family then moved their sleeping accommodation into the east wing, while guests were in the west wing.

Servants, unsurprisingly, had less luxurious spaces, even using the Great Hall.