Fury over fly-tipping of trade materials near Clumber Park

The dumped rubbish close to Plantation Cottages, near Clumber Park.The dumped rubbish close to Plantation Cottages, near Clumber Park.
The dumped rubbish close to Plantation Cottages, near Clumber Park.
The illegal dumping of trade materials close to Clumber Park in Worksop has angered nearby residents and businesses.

“These people need to be dobbed in by the public,” blasted Alison Allen, of the Clumber Livery horse-boarding stables at Clumber Lane End Farm after she snapped this photo of the fly-tipping, which took place over the weekend.

“Guttering and roofing materials have been dumped in a quiet location near Plantation Cottages. This has been done by a trades person, which is a term I use loosely.

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“Council-taxpayers will have to pay for this to be collected and removed. Can anyone who recognises the rubbish or knows who dumped it please call the authorities.”

Clumber Park is owned and managed by the National Trust, which has also called for action to be taken against the fly-tippers.

“We have investigated this case thoroughly,” said National Trust spokesman Benedict Mason. “We have found that it has actually taken place outside of our boundaries on land owned by the Forestry Commission.

“However, our team has informed the Forestry Commission, and we would encourage anyone with information on this, and other instances of fly-tipping, to ring their local council or the police’s Crimestoppers hotline and report it immediately.

“Our dedicated team of rangers patrol the park regularly. Therefore, fly-tipping incidents such as this are, fortunately, a rarity.”