Exciting times ahead for the district with plenty of big events to come

Coun Simon Greaves, Bassetlaw Council leader.Coun Simon Greaves, Bassetlaw Council leader.
Coun Simon Greaves, Bassetlaw Council leader.
There are some huge events that have taken place or are about to happen that celebrate the best of north Nottinghamshire, including food, creative writing and the skills of our future workforce, writes Coun Simon Greaves.

Most recent was the inaugural North Nottinghamshire Food Festival and I’d like to take this opportunity to say a big well-done to the organisers, all the stall holders and contributors, and everyone who supported the event on the hottest day of the year!

It was a fantastic event and I can’t wait to see how this festival will grow.

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I was also especially proud to pick up a prize in the baking competition.

SEE ALSO: Green means great for Bassetlaw parks.The deadline for the council’s short story, poetry and children’s writing competitions has been extended until August 31 – which gives all you budding and experienced writers even more of an opportunity to get your submissions in.

This year’s competition has been extended to include poetry and children’s competitions, with this year’s themes being the Chesterfield Canal, north Nottinghamshire industrial heritage and, for children, inventions.

These competitions will also be incorporated into the very first North Notts Lit Fest in Retford between September 13 and 15.

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Some big names in the literary world have already confirmed to appear, including Bassetlaw’s own Stephen Booth, co-creator of hit TV shows The Royal Family and Red Dwarf, Henry Normal and poet Paul Cookson.

You can find all of the latest details for the writing competitions and the festival here.

Finally, plans are currently being put in place to create north Nottinghamshire’s largest skills and careers event – What Next in North Notts? – to help employers engage with the next generation of Bassetlaw’s workforce and help shape the potential talent pipeline.

The event is set to take place in October and more details can be found on the council's website.

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