Disqualified driver who caused death of Worksop woman by dangerous driving is jailed

Robert DawsonRobert Dawson
Robert Dawson
A disqualified driver who admitted causing a Worksop woman's death by dangerous driving has been jailed.

Robert Dawson, 55, of Paddock Way, Hatfield, Doncaster, was jailed for six years when he appeared at Nottingham Crown Court for sentencing today.

He also admitted making a false statement or withholding information for the purpose of obtaining a certificate of insurance of security.

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Robert DawsonRobert Dawson
Robert Dawson

Dashcam footage showed Dawson driving on the wrong side of the road, causing another driver to take evasive action, prior to colliding with 42-year-old mother-of-three Janette Lee who was stood on the pavement at a bus stop on Carlton Road.

Janette, who lived on Carlton Road, had left home and was waiting to be picked up by her parents to go shopping when the collision happened at around 10.35am on January 14 2019.

She was pronounced dead at the scene.

Prior to the crash eye-witnesses described seeing Dawson driving along the road at speed and in an erratic manner, just missing another car on the opposite side of the road, before coming back to the right side of the road.

Janette LeeJanette Lee
Janette Lee

In their victim statements Janette’s parents, Bryan and Sheila, said: "Finding your daughter lying dead in the road after being involved in a violent collision is just indescribable.

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"We’re still in complete shock and disbelief that this day even happened.

"Janette was such a loving, beautiful daughter and she was such a happy-go-lucky girl. Dawson will never understand how much pain and suffering he has caused our whole family and how he’s changed our lives due to his selfish actions.

"He drove that day knowing he had no licence and in a built up area of Worksop while over the speed limit. It was only a matter of time that a collision would have occurred."

Detective Sergeant Mark Baker said: "Dawson showed a blatant disregard for the safety of other people and the law with his dangerous and reckless driving that day.

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"His actions have left Janette’s family and friends absolutely devastated. Although he now has to face up to and reflect on his actions no sentence can compensate for the loss of life and the immense distress caused.

"I have nothing but praise for the strength, courage and dignity Janette’s family has shown throughout these proceedings and I’d also like to thank the members of the public for their assistance during our investigation."

As well as his prison sentence Dawson was given a six years and 10 months driving ban and must take an extended driving test upon his release.