Shirebrook dad of murdered girl broadcast threats to partner

Dean Bird with his daughter EveDean Bird with his daughter Eve
Dean Bird with his daughter Eve
A grief-stricken dad who threatened to drive his Land Rover into his partner's living room as he drove to a court hearing for his daughter's killer, broadcast the message on social media.

Magistrates watched a video clip of Dean Bird's rant, which was live-streamed on November 28, last year, and was "considered to be domestic abuse" by prosecutor Donna Fawcett.

A "large audience" watched as he swore and made threats, telling his partner to get out or "the Land Rover would be going through the f****** front window."

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"That's a complete misuse of the social media network," said Ms Fawcett. "It caused her and her family and friends a great deal of stress."

The court heard Bird was convicted of criminal damage in 2016, when a restraining order was imposed because it related to a previous partner.

Donna Pursglove, mitigating, said Bird's daughter, by a previous partner, had been murdered two years ago, and he had been travelling to Truro to attend the three-week trial.

His daughter's killer was imprisoned for 20 years, and the girl's mother also received a prison sentence.

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She said he had been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder because of the stress, which had also impacted on his physical health, and he had lost his business and his home.

"He knows he has no real excuse to post that," said Ms Pursglove. "In the circumstances he didn't know what else to do. It was borne out of pure frustration.

"Doing it over a live stream was clearly not the appropriate course of action."

She said Bird has since made amends, and the couple have reconciled.

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"I think he has done remarkably well to do what he's done and honour his daughter's memory," she added.

Bird, 30, of Laurel Avenue, Shirebrook, admitted sending the menacing message, when he appeared at Mansfield Magistrates Court, on Wednesday.

Probation officer Raqia Bano said he had been angry with his partner, but couldn't explain why he shared his feelings on social media.

She said there were issues of "jealousy, lack of trust and controlling behaviour", but that he had sought help.

He was given a 18 month community order, with 30 sessions of the building better relationships programme, and ten rehabilitation activity days to help with his coping skills.